Ovi Negrean — Ovi.co
Chief Executive Bee, Entrepreneur & Startup Advisor
See what I’m currently working on.
I was inspired by Derek Sivers so I decided to create a Now page as well, to show what I’m currently working on.
- SocialBee.io – Social Media on Autopilot
- Ovi.co – I write about Entrepreneurship, the Alternative Startup Methodology, and building SocialBee
- HowToStartup.co – 10-day free email course about how to start a startup
- Advising Snack Box – a B2B Fruit delivery subscription service
- Coaching a few startups
- ..and a couple early stage and still-secret projects 🙂
- nugget – Discover, Remember and Share the best content of books that make you better -> Sold to 12minutos.
- Amplexor Romania – Started Amplexor Romania on behalf of Amplexor Belgium -> The Amplexor group was sold to euroscript, which later rebranded itself to Amplexor.
- The Underdogs – Guided Mastermind Groups for Early Stage Startups
- Rise Book Club – a Business and Personal Development book club for entrepreneurs
- … and a few more.
So make sure you subscribe to find out about the new projects and resources while they’re hot.